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This former ballroom built in the late 19th century features outstanding acoustics. Whether it’s a big symphonic orchestra, a smaller chamber orchestra, solo instruments or vocals, the unique combination of surface materials gives every instrument the surrounding it needs. 

Continuing the tradition of Telefunken and Decca many important recordings are being made in this 455m2 hall.

Control Room 1
Control Room 1

is our finest working space. The generous size of 60 sqm, daylight from left and right and state of the art monitoring and acoustics make working in here a relaxing and non tiring experience that always leads to great results - no matter if recording or mixing.

Control Room 2
Control Room 2

is very flexible and versatile. It is used in equal shares for recording, session preparations, editing and mixing. Like all the Teldex workspaces it has daylight.

Control Room 3
Control Room 3

is mostly used as a tracking- and mixing facility for our classical projects. Like all the Teldex workspaces it has daylight.

Recording Room 2
Recording Room 2


Recording Room 4
Recording Room 4


Lounge 1
Lounge 1


Lounge 2
Lounge 2


Teldex Studio Berlin GmbH

Finckensteinallee 36
D-12205 Berlin


Geschäftsführer: René Möller, Benedikt Schröder
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
HRB 82190


VAT-ID:  DE813292657

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