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Top Recordings



There are not many locations in the world, where classical music feels so at home as in Teldex Studio Berlin. Ideal acoustics for large and small ensembles, state of the art equipment and competent and experienced personnel have made Teldex Studio Berlin one of the first addresses on the map for international classical recordings.

Our collaboration with Steinway Haus Berlin makes sure that the best grand pianos in town are always available.



The legendary studio with its proud history offers ideal surroundings for first class film-scoring and enjoys an ever growing international popularity in that field. Productions of the highest level are ensured by the competent and experienced recording teams, the excellent acoustics of the 450 sqm recording hall and the outstanding collection of vintage microphones in combination with the most modern technical equipment.

Our contracting partner Scoring Berlin can form any instrumental combination from the members of the world-class Berlin orchestras. 


​Video and Live-Streaming

​Teldex Studio is associated with a number of video production companies that offer the right picture for your project. Whether you’re looking to film a music video, play a live-streamed concert, generate content for social media or work on a competition entry, we ensure you have the highest quality audio and video for your purposes.


Teldex Studio Berlin is a fabulous place to record in!

The heart of the studio is the big hall, which was originally built in the late 19th century to be a dancing- and concert-hall. The room works for a 100 piece orchestra plus choir just as well as for a single piano, a drum-set and everything in between.

Teldex Studio Berlin offers you a great combination of tradition and modern technology. World famous acoustics, a unique collection of vintage and new microphones, state of the art control-rooms and award winning engineers and producers guarantee highest quality throughout the whole recording.

We do not have a zebra-crossing in front of our building, but in every other aspect Teldex Studio Berlin can easily compete with any great recording-facility in the world.


Mobile recording has always been an essential element of the activities of Teldex Studio Berlin. We regulary work in the famous concert-halls and open air venues all over the world. We always keep our mobile equipment on a state of the art level and there is nearly no limit in number of microphones and tracks.


No matter if you are at home, in your studio or somewhere on the road. You still can record in one of the best rooms in the world at the same time.

Especially for our film composer clients in America remote recording via source-connect is a great opportunity to quickly produce something in our wonderful hall, benefiting from our vintage mics and up to date engineers without having to travel around the world.


Post Production


Needless to mention that Teldex Studio Berlin has all the industrial standard equipment (plus some extra goodies that are hard to resist) and the listening facilities to create great mixes of any style of music. 

But that is not what it is about mixing.

Mixing is taste, decisions, having ideas and realizing them fast. Much more than anything else in the production of music, mixing is about the one who does it. The experience and musicality of the Teldex award-winning engineers ensure reliable and innovative partners for musicians and producers.

Great results are guaranteed - whether working with artists in the studio or providing online-mixing. 

We offer our services in stereo, 5.1 surround as well as 7.1.4 Dolby Atmos.


Teldex online-mixing makes you benefit from the equipment, the listening environment and most of all the expertise of the Teldex engineers without having to travel. That will save you money and time, and you can be sure to have your music mixed with great care in a very special facility. 


Classical-editing is not just about putting right notes in a row but creating a musical flow. It is an art! From the long history of Telefunken and Teldec Classics we have a great history in editing classical music.

All our editing-engineers are studied Tonmeisters, they all are classical producers as well and are used to working with a wide range of international well known artists and record-labels.

Our editing suites provide stereo and surround facilities for audio and for audio plus picture.



Teldex Studio Berlin with its warm atmosphere in historic premises (built around 1890) provides an ideal location for your photo or film shooting, whether it’s for fashion, or a CD cover, for a making-of or for a big cine film production. There is space to accommodate even a large crew together with cast and set. Teldex also provides an impressive setting for private concerts, record release parties or showcases.



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